The Netdev conference focuses on networking based on Linux kernel and its associated user APIs.
Netdev 0x14 (Netdev “twenty”) will take place online starting July 28th, 2020. More details will be announced soon.
Submissions Overview
Netdev Society is excited to be accepting submissions for Netdev 0x14. We accept submissions incrementally rather than all at the end of the conference.
Submissions will be accepted until the 15th of January, 2020. The submitters will be notified whether their submission was accepted or rejected by 20th of January, 2020. Slides and papers (for talks) are expected by 15th of July, 2020.
The Netdev Society invites proposals for conference topics in the area of Linux kernel and user space networking. Please stay within the relevant topic focus and tie to FOSS Linux networking. In other words if you are just using Linux to boot your proprietary SDK-based system then your submission will probably not be accepted. Also note that we do not accept submissions of recycled talks.
Netdev Society strives for objectivity in reviewing submissions. Submissions are reviewed in a double blind review solely based on their technical merit and suitability for the conference. Any conflict of interest is cleared upfront and no reviewer is able to see the submitters name or organization.
Our Program Committee is listed here:
For Netdev 0x14 the following is a sample space of topics of interest:
- Machine learning as related to networking
- Network Analytics
- Mobile Edge Computing
- User space infrastructures (example config tooling, L2/3 like FRR, DNS, etc)
- DDOS related
- IoT
- Wireless
- Driver enhancements in Linux
- Performance analysis and improvement
- Networking hardware and offload
- Netfilter
- Traffic control
- Protocol development, implementation, and optimization
- L2/3
- Transport: TCP, QUIC, UDP
- Security
Feel free to step out of these boundaries if you feel your topic is still relevant.
Submission Types
- Talk - One or more of authors elaborating on a proposal within a 30 minute session. A 2-10 pages (not including references) paper submission of the talk is required in PDF format. Talks can be labelled as "Nuts-and-bolts" as well as "moonshot" submissions. Refer to label definitions for insights.
- Workshops - Workshops are always "Nuts-and-bolts". Workshops are proposed by one or more chairs. workshop chairs(s) should coordinate workshop participants' topics in advance and lead the session. Topics should be extensions of mailing list discussions. The meeting will typically take place in a round-table format. Length of the workshop can vary (within reason) and no slides nor paper(s) are required; however, this requirement may be overridden by the chair(s) of the workshop. Workshops could also be deep-dive sessions where domain experts would flock to discuss details of a specific topic.
- Tutorial - Tutorials are educational in nature and fit under
the "hands-on" label. These sessions will be held in classroom style. Two types
of tutorials may be accepted:
- Instructor-led sessions - minimum 1 hour long and not to exceed 1.5 hours. The instructor will go over the technology either through code review or execution and interact with the attendees.
- Student-participation session. Minimum 2 hours upto a maximum 3 hours. Preference for such sessions is to have hands-on user participation; we encourage tutors to prepare VMs or container images for this activity.
Submission Labels
Submission labels are based on the observation that there is a natural 3-step progression of a technology over time consisting of 1) inception 2) development and 3) deployment. The labels are aligned to these steps:
- Moonshot - These are sessions about the next big thing in Linux kernel networking. If you are thinking about new and exciting technology or a big idea and want feedback, then consider submitting a "moonshot" proposal. As an example, the first time XDP was presented in Netdev it would have probably qualified as a "moonshot".
- Nuts and bolts - These are presentations that might take a deep dive into implementation and development of technology in Linux kernel networking. If you have well tested ideas and code that you would like to push forward inclusion and adoption by the community (kernel/user space) then consider submitting a "nuts and bolts" proposal. It is also acceptable in a "nuts and bolts" session to have a talk to document how things work under the covers especially if they are already in deployment in the kernel/user space but have never been documented. An example of a "nuts and bolts" session is DSA which was first described in Netdev 2.1.
- Hands on - These are more what traditionally has been thought of as tutorials. These sessions focus on configuring and using Linux kernel networking technologies and features. This is an opportunity to share deployment experience and wisdom about how to best employ kernel technology. To provide a truly "hands on" experience, there should be real examples and case studies presented that the audience could try out in real time. Previous Netdev sessions on iptables are good examples of "hands on" sessions.
When you make a submission, make sure you indicate what label best applies.
Submitting proposals
Proposal submissions guidelines:
- Create a new account on: https://0x14.netdevconf.info
- Check your email for a verification link.
- Log into the submissions site using your new account (same link as from step 1)
- Fill in your name, change your password, and add any conflicts of interest that you're aware of at the bottom. Save your changes with the button at the bottom of the page.
- You will now be on the front page. Next to "Submissions", click "New submission", and fill out the form to submit your proposal.
- You will receive an email acknowledging that you submission has been entered into the system.
In the unlikely case you don't receive any email after registration or submission, please contact the Administrator at: admin@netdevconf.info
We provide one registration coupon per submission that is accepted. You may go ahead and register for the conference. If you're already registered then you will be refunded as a speaker. If you're not registered already then your registration fee will be waived. Please remember that missed deadline could lead to your submitted session(s) being cancelled.
Once your proposal is accepted, please prepare your paper based on odt template or latex one.
Accepted talk presenter(s) should submit a draft PDF version of slides and papers in the submission page on the same site as registration by the deadline of July 15th 2020.