
Talk: "Load balancing with nftables" (Laura Garcia)


IPVS allows very easy deployment of Linux-based load-balancers. Probably less well-known is the fact that you can also use iptables rules using the existing matches and targets to implement many of the core load-balancing features such as different scheduling approaches and dispatching methods, flow persistency, etc.


Tutorial: "Running Cellular Network Infrastructure on Linux" (Harald Welte)


Traditionally, much unlike the Ethernet/IP network, classic telecom infrastructure has been running proprietary hardware, operating systems and protocol stacks.

In recent years, some Free Software projects have set out to implement some of the related protocol stacks and network elements on top of Linux, including the unrelated OpenBTS and OpenBSC projects, as well as the less known other members of the Osmocom umbrella project: OsmoBSC, OsmoNITB, OsmoBTS, OsmoPCU, OsmoSGSN, OpenGGSN, and many more.


Call for proposals extended

We are extending our session proposal submission deadline to Dec 20th.

See Sessions to read the confirmed proposals and remember to visit Submit a Proposal before sending your talks or tutorials.


Talk: "Networking in your pocket: how the Linux networking stack is made to work on Android devices" (Lorenzo Colitti, Erik Kline)


The Linux networking stack is regularly used by over a billion mobile devices such as phones, tablets, and watches. The networking problems faced by these devices are very different from non-mobile hosts such as workstations, servers and routers.


Tutorial: "Ipset - a tool for faster, more efficient firewalling with iptables" (Jozsef Kadlecsik)


Building a firewall with netfilter/iptables is an easy task: there are countless of extensions and just imagination limits us. However, in practice the goal is to build a fast and efficient firewall, usually with a large number of rules and that is a not so trivial task. ipset comes to help in that case: most of the rules can be collapsed into fast matches in sets. In this tutorial ipset will be explained in details, both the features with which efficient firewalls can be built up and the internals which provides the fast evaluations.

Tags: confirmed as Media sponsor

We are happy to involve in Netdev as Media Sponsor. Thanks a lot for your support!


Talk: "Kernel-level GTP (Generic Tunneling Protocol) implementation" (Harald Welte & Andreas Schultz)


When users access the Internet via cellular networks from their mobile devices, all this traffic is encapsulated and tunneled through a variety of cellular-network specific protocol layers. Many of those protocol implementations run on proprietary special-purpose hardware and software.

One protocol has been in use between certain network elements ever since the advent of GPRS services. This protocol remained in use with EDGE, UMTS, HSPA and is even still in use in LTE: The GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP).


Talk: "State and Future of generic 6LoWPAN branch" (Alexander Aring)


6LoWPAN stands for IPv6 over Low-Rate Wireless Area Network and was original specified for 802.15.4 wireless networks. The IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard is such Low-Rate WPAN standard. The 6LoWPAN stack provides an adaptation layer to run IPv6 on top of a specific link-layer like 802.15.4.


Registration deadline

January 15th, last day to register at Netdev 1.1

See Registration to read all the details.


Cumulus Networks, first Platinum sponsor

We are proud to announce Cumulus Networks as our first Platinum sponsor. Thanks for your support!

