
dcPIM: Low–latency, High–throughput, Receiver–driven Transport Protocol


Qizhe Cai
Rachit Agarwal



Session Type




Modern datacenter networks bear a striking similarity to switch fabrics: both of these are organized around Clos-like topologies using low-port count switches and both of these experience similar workloads—incast (many input ports having packets for the same output port), all-to-all (each input port having packets for each output port), one-to-one, etc. Yet, scheduling mechanisms in state-of-the-art datacenter transport designs are significantly different from those used in switch fabrics. Bridging this gap has the potential for datacenter transport designs to benefit from decades of foundational work on switch scheduling that has led to near-optimal switch fabric designs.

Datacenter Parallel Iterative Matching (dcPIM) is a proactive, receiver-driven, transport design that places its intellectual roots in classical switch scheduling protocols to simultaneously achieve near-optimal tail latency for short flows and near-optimal network utilization, without requiring any specialized network hardware. dcPIM achieves near-hardware latency for short flows by building upon ideas from recent receiver-driven transport protocols like pHost and NDP. In particular, dcPIM is a connectionless protocol, allowing short flows to start sending at full rate; dcPIM uses per-packet multipath load balancing, that minimizes congestion within the network core; dcPIM enables lossless network only for control packets, allowing fast retransmission of lost short flow data packets in pathological traffic patterns (e.g., extreme incast); and, dcPIM uses the limited number of priority queues in network switches to minimize interference between short flow and long flow data packets. We will show that, by carefully integrating these ideas into an end-to-end protocol, dcPIM achieves near theoretically optimal tail latency for short flows, even at 99th percentiles.

What differentiates dcPIM from prior transport designs is that it achieves near-hardware tail latency for short flows while simultaneously sustaining near theoretically optimal (transient or persistent) network loads. dcPIM achieves this by placing its intellectual roots in the classical Parallel Iterative Matching (PIM), a time-tested protocol variations of which are used in almost all switch fabrics. Just like PIM, hosts in dcPIM exchange multiple rounds of control plane messages to “match” senders with receivers to ensure that senders transmit long flow packets only when proactively admitted by the receivers. Realizing PIM-style matchings at the datacenter-scale turns out to be challenging: while PIM was designed for switch fabrics that have tens of ports and picosecond-scale round trip time (RTT), dcPIM needs to operate in a much harsher environment: datacenter networks have much larger scales and much larger RTTs. dcPIM resolves these challenges using two properties of datacenter environments. First, unlike switch fabrics where (at any point of time) each input port may very well have packets to send to each output port, it is rarely the case that (at any point of time) each host in the datacenter will have packets to send to each other host in the datacenter. That is, traffic matrices in datacenter networks are typically sparse: several studies from production datacenter networks show that, when averaged across all hosts, the number of flows at any point of time is a small constant; furthermore, dcPIM performs matchings only for long flows that are likely to be even fewer in number. Second, unlike switch fabrics that are designed to run at full load, datacenter networks rarely run at an average load of 100%.

dcPIM leverages the first datacenter network property to establish a new theoretical result: unlike switch fabrics where PIM achieves near-optimal utilization using log(n) rounds of control messages (for an n-port switch fabric), traffic matrix sparsity in datacenter networks allows dcPIM to guarantee near-optimal utilization with constant number of rounds, that is, independent of the number of hosts in the network. This result enables a dcPIM design that scales well, independent of the datacenter network size. dcPIM leverages the second property that datacenter networks rarely run at 100% load to pipeline data transmission between currently matched sender-receiver pairs with control messages for computing next set of matchings to hide the overheads of longer RTTs of datacenter networks.

While dcPIM builds upon a strong theoretical foundation, the final end-to-end design embraces simplicity just like the original PIM protocol: the number of matching rounds, the timescale for each matching round, and the number of data packets that can be sent upon matching are all fixed in advance. Just like PIM, dcPIM design is also robust to imperfection: it is okay for host clocks to be asynchronized—some of the control messages may be delayed within the fixed time used for matching rounds; the randomized matching algorithm in PIM combined with multiple rounds of control plane messages ensures that hosts unmatched in one round will be able to catch up in the remaining rounds, and will continue to request matching until data transmission is complete. The final result is a new proactive datacenter transport design that requires no specialized hardware, no per-flow state or rate calculations at switches, no centralized global scheduler, and no explicit network feedback and yet provides near-optimal performance both in terms of tail latency and network utilization.

We have implemented dcPIM in Linux hosts, and in simulations. dcPIM evaluation over a small-scale CloudLab testbed and over simulation demonstrates that dcPIM consistently achieves near-hardware latency and near-optimal network utilization across a variety of evaluation settings that mix-and-match three network topologies, three workloads, three traffic patterns, varying network topology oversubscription, and varying network loads. dcPIM simulator and implementation, along with all the documentation needed to reproduce our results, are available at

This talk will initiate a conversation to incorporate dcPIM as a receiver-driven transport protocol within the Linux kernel.