
Leveraging Homa: Enhancing Datacenter RPC Transport Protocols


xiaochun lu
zijian zhang


Nuts and Bolts

Session Type




Abstract: In hyper-scale data centers, there’s an emerging need for transport protocols tailored for optimal RPC performance. Homa, a distinctive transport protocol, is purpose-built for such environments, prioritizing the swift performance of request/reply messages. Our comparative study of gRPC’s performance on Homa versus TCP underscores pronounced advantages, especially for RPC messages under 50k, in terms of both latency and throughput. Furthermore, we’ve integrated enhancements to Homa to optimize longer RPC messages and to bolster bidirectional streaming support. During this presentation, we’ll traverse through these comparative performance insights, spotlight our innovations to Homa, and guide participants through the tangible benefits of integrating Homa into their RPC transport framework. We will punctuate our discussion with real-world illustrations and demonstrations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the merits of Homa in RPC transport scenarios. outline:

  • Homa Congestion Control introduction
  • Limitation of Homa in RPC context
  • Homa Congestion Control enhancements
  • Homa RPC streaming enhancements
  • Performance evaluation
  • Future improvements
  • Conclusion
  • Q&A